Housing Asset Management
The financial spend on existing housing stock and Asset Management is always the biggest line in the business plan. We see lots of clients who have inadequate intelligence on their housing stock in terms of:
• Condition
• How it meets housing need
• Energy efficiency
In our experience social landlords that do not have a joined up, integrated and strategic approach as to how they invest, and do not exercise enough choice in what they invest in, struggle to deliver effective, value for money asset management services. Reviewing your Housing Asset Management strategy is a good way of ensuring that you are getting maximum value.
We can assist your Housing Asset Management with:
Asset Management Strategy Development
Develop a strategy which ensures your organisation is delivering maximum value through a joined up, integrated and strategic approach to how it invests.
Asset Management Health Check
A high level health check of your organisation’s existing approach to asset management, reviewing both strategic and technical management.
HHSRS Training
Understand how to assess whether a property meets the minimum standard for housing, what to look out for in your customers’ properties, the action that your customers can take if their property is not to the required standard, and what steps you can take to minimise the risk of action.
Our Guidance